New Book Reveals: How to Regain Your Edge and

Go From “Drained to Determined” In Just 12 Minutes Per Day

Enjoy More Energy, More Motivation, and Better Health... Even If You Are Too Busy to Work Out, Eat Right, or Take Care of Yourself.


My name is Logan Henry and I help busy guys take control of their health and regain their edge using what I call The Accelerated Method. 

On this page, you can get a copy of my latest book, Regain Your Edge. Inside, I’ll show you how to start using the same method I’ve shared with over 1,000+ busy guys who…

  • ​Are stressed and feeling tired all the time…
  • ​Have neglected health and fitness for years…
  • ​Are out of energy and losing more and more motivation every day…
  • ​Are tired of looking in the mirror at someone who is barely recognizable…
  • ​Feel like they’re “too far gone” to see results or they just don’t have the willpower to workout…
The truth is:

Most High-Performing Guys End Up in

“Health Debt” 

(Here’s How to Get Out of It)

If you’re like most of the guys I work with, you haven’t had time for yourself in years. 

Between work, your family, community responsibilities, there’s not much time or energy left for anything else! 

Eventually, what I call “Health Debt” sets in. 

Workouts went by the wayside some time ago. You probably didn’t even have the time to miss them at first, right? 

Eating right? Who has time for that!

A while back, you started to get winded chasing your kids around the yard, but by now it’s hard work when you have to take the stairs…

One day you went to the doctor, came back with blood pressure medication, and wrote it off as “work stress...”

One morning you woke up to the way your clothes fit today and accepted “getting older…”

Then, productivity plummeted, tasks that used to take ten minutes now take an hour…

The longer it goes on and you do nothing, the deeper into “health debt” you become, the less motivation you feel, the more of your edge you lose.

At some point, feeling tired and drained all the time becomes normal. It’s easy to forget what it felt like to have any sort of energy or motivation to take on new challenges. 

Tired, Out of Breath, and Unmotivated
Should Not Be Your 
“New Normal.”

Most guys simply accept that they’re “past their prime.” 

But for high-performers and guys who know what it’s like to be motivated and focused, saying “my best days are behind me” just isn’t natural. 

Plus, once your motivation and drive start to suffer…your work and livelihood can begin to suffer too. 

So, maybe you re-activated that gym membership or you went for a run like you used to.

You picked up the weights or exercise bands for a week or two. You tried eating right again. 

But eventually, it all falls apart, doesn’t it? 

The Health Debt you’ve accumulated starts to seem impossible to get out of, especially because you don’t have much time to focus on yourself. But…

 You’re Not 
“Too Far Gone!”

It’s easy to think “I’m too far gone” to see results, but…

…the reality is, most workout programs and eating routines just aren’t made for guys who have gone deep into Health Debt.

When you’re 22 you have time to live at the gym or follow these “beast mode” workout programs that want you to go full speed with every workout…

…but if you’re working 40, 50 or 60 hours a week and you have kids, a wife, a home…

…PLUS after you add up years of health debt?

 It’s no wonder that these go, go, go all the time routines just don’t work!

It’s like trying to pay off years of “debt” in just a few weeks…it’s not going to happen! Go “beast mode” too soon and you’ll end up even more tired, more stressed, or even injured.

So, after a couple of rounds of trying to get back into shape, working out without much to show for it, or eating rabbit food without noticing a difference in the way you feel…a lot of guys just throw in the towel and accept their fate. 

 It doesn’t have to be that way! Let me ask:

Do You Have 12 Minutes Per Day to Get Your Energy, Your Health, and Your Life Back? 

Over 1,000+ Busy Guys Have Used My “Accelerated Method” to…

Take Off Years of “Health Debt” in Minutes per Day 

If you’ve spent years putting off your health and fitness, you can’t start out with a routine that’s going to ask you to move at 1,000 miles per hour right out of the gate. That’s why so many programs don’t work for guys who feel “too far gone” to ever be in shape again.

Instead, you need to approach this with small, manageable steps that you can handle (even if you’re busy, stressed, and feeling worn out). That’s exactly what I’m about to show you how to do using my Accelerated Method. 

Fast Results Without Long Workouts

Studies show that you don’t need to live at the gym or eat like a rabbit if you want to fit back into that old pair of jeans. In fact, if you’ve gone deep into “health debt” and neglected eating right or working out for years…
…it’s possible to get faster results with just FOUR simple changes to your daily routine that take minutes per day. You’re about to learn how inside of my book, Regain Your Edge.

Fast Results Without Long Workouts

Studies show that you don’t need to live at the gym or eat like a rabbit if you want to fit back into that old pair of jeans. In fact, if you’ve gone deep into “health debt” and neglected eating right or working out for years…
…it’s possible to get faster results with just FOUR simple changes to your daily routine that take minutes per day. You’re about to learn how inside of my book, Regain Your Edge.

Rebalance the Hormones that Accelerate Age

As men get older, levels of progesterone and testosterone naturally decrease. This causes an increase in estrogen levels that can result in trouble focusing, lack of concentration, exhaustion and loss of muscle mass. 

There are SEVEN ways guys can naturally re-balance these important hormones as they get older. These techniques don’t take a lot of time and they don’t require “beast mode” workouts, heavy lifting at the gym, or complex nutrition plans. Discover all seven methods inside Regain Your Edge. 

Build Strength Without Going “Beast Mode”

Most workout plans don’t take into account “health debt” when they ask you to start (and they assume that you have all the time and energy in the world to exercise!). This is why so many busy guys end up working out hard only to end up getting injured…or without much to show for all the work they put in. 

If you’re ready to discover how to go “least mode” (not “beast mode”) and still see great gains from your workouts, Regain Your Edge is a must-read!

Build Strength Without Going “Beast Mode”

Most workout plans don’t take into account “health debt” when they ask you to start (and they assume that you have all the time and energy in the world to exercise!). This is why so many busy guys end up working out hard only to end up getting injured…or without much to show for all the work they put in. 

If you’re ready to discover how to go “least mode” (not “beast mode”) and still see great gains from your workouts, Regain Your Edge is a must-read!

Skyrocket Energy Levels & Motivation 

If you’ve lost your motivation and the mental “edge” you used to have, I have good news:

Motivation is one of the first things to come back once you start taking care of yourself again when you follow The Accelerated Method inside of Regain Your Edge. 

If you start today, there’s a good chance that by this time next week, you’ll feel more motivated and energized than you’ve felt in years all by following a simple, four step routine that takes just minutes per day. 


Regain Your Edge

The Four Step “Accelerated Method” for Busy Guys 
Who Are Ready to Take Control of their 
Energy, Motivation, and Fitness

Inside Regain Your Edge, you’ll discover The Accelerated Method that’s helped 1,000s of busy men take control of their health and motivation in just minutes per day. 

The truth is, most workout and nutrition plans are not designed for busy guys who have accumulated years of “health debt.”

That’s why it’s so difficult for most men in their 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond to actually see long term results from their workouts and eating efforts. 

This book includes an eating plan and workout guidelines optimized for busy guys who are sick and tired of being tired…

…and don’t have time to live at the gym or turn their entire life upside down in order to see results. 

Inside you’ll discover why taking off years of health debt only takes as little as 12 minutes a day of movement and simple, smart eating habits. 

These Four Simple Steps Take Minutes Per Day to Follow. 
Let Me Show You How Inside Regain Your Edge…

Improving your energy, focus and motivation starts with better sleep.

Inside Regain Your Edge, you’ll discover a simple sleep system you’ll follow to optimize your sleeping hours so that you can wake up refreshed, energized, and ready to take on your day.

You’ll learn my simple 1-3-2-1 Protocol for sleep optimization that can help you maximize every hour you have available for sleep. This is the first step of The Accelerated Method because most guys are only getting 5-6 hours of low quality sleep per night. 
If you think your most productive, energy-packed days are behind you…think again!

In just a few minutes during the morning, you can turbocharge your motivation and energy levels all day long. 

Learn a simple 6-step morning routine that can skyrocket energy levels all day long, help you avoid the afternoon slump, and even give you extra energy in the evening so you’re energized again for family time after work.

Your morning routine determines your motivation and energy levels all day long. I’ll show you how to set up your morning so you’re ready to take on the next 16+ hours with unstoppable energy.
You can’t regain your edge, stay motivated, and see long-term results if you’re always hungry or craving food. 

If you want to shed years of stubborn fat while still staying motivated enough to actually function, the worst thing you can do is start a super restrictive eating plan. 

Instead, I’ll show you a simple way to change the timing of what you eat so that you can trick your metabolism into thinking you’re on a “diet,” while actually still eating about the same amount of food.

You’ll also learn how to identify which foods are draining away your energy and motivation. Avoid these and you’ll see an immediate improvement in your energy levels. 
My philosophy on working out is to AVOID “beast mode” workouts that ask you to go hard, crush it and “give it your all.”

For most of us, hard workouts and long gym efforts simply aren’t sustainable. That’s because most workout programs aren’t made with guys who have a lot of “health debt” in mind. 

If you go too hard, too soon you’re likely to end up injured, tired, and unmotivated. 

So, instead of “beast mode” workouts, I’ll show you how to reach your goals with “least mode” and just 12-24 minutes per day workouts. 

Plus, Inside Regain Your Edge, You’ll Discover…

  • An easy-to-follow eating plan that has helped 1,000s of busy guys just like you get lean and take off years of “health debt” weight without resorting to starvation eating that isn’t sustainable (get the entire plan - page 164)...
  • How to avoid the #1 reason most guys in their 30s, 40s, and 50s end up giving up on “health and exercise” (do this so that you can stay focused on your health for the long term - page 21)...
  • ​Why you can get 10 hours of sleep in just 6 hours using a 3 minutes before bed framework that will have you waking up refreshed and ready to take on the day (no more hitting snooze 7 times or dragging yourself out of bed in the morning! - pages 136-138)…
  • ​Feeling cranky all the time? Discover how to lift your daily mood and eliminate edginess and irritability (page 108)…
  • ​Does “going hard” at the gym actually do more harm than good? Find out why you should think about avoiding long workouts and hard gym sessions on page 152…
  • ​The right and wrong way to tackle burnout and stress. Do this to get back to even higher levels of productivity (page 40)...
  • ​Easily end “to-do list” overwhelm with easy-to-follow mental clarity exercises that can reduce brain fog, even when you’re feeling like you’ll never get everything done (page 148)...
  • The interesting science behind why you instinctively reach for your favorite comfort food after a hard day of work (and how to work with your body’s science to fix it, rather than against it - page 82)...
  • No more coffee or energy drinks? How to regain “Effortless Energy” without relying on caffeine or other energy-boosting supplements (pages 136-152)...
  • ​A simple 2-minute stretching exercise for relieving tense muscles and easing headaches caused by stress (pages 113-114)...
  • ​“Why are my energy levels so low?” Chapter 4 will help you find out….
  • My favorite “Cheeseburger Casserole” recipe that’s both completely body-friendly and a family favorite on page 151 …
  • ​Counter-intuitive scheduling advice for helping you get more done in the day with less time (page 67)...
  • ​How to stay perfectly fit and active with just 12-24 minutes of your time each day (I’ll actually give you a simple exercise routine to follow too - page 92)…
  • The interesting science behind why you instinctively reach for your favorite comfort food after a hard day of work (and how to work with your body’s science to fix it, rather than against it - page 82)...
  • No more coffee or energy drinks? How to regain “Effortless Energy” without relying on caffeine or other energy-boosting supplements (pages 136-152)...
  • ​A simple 2-minute stretching exercise for relieving tense muscles and easing headaches caused by stress (pages 113-114)...
  • ​“Why are my energy levels so low?” Chapter 4 will help you find out….
  • My favorite “Cheeseburger Casserole” recipe that’s both completely body-friendly and a family favorite on page 151 …
  • ​Counter-intuitive scheduling advice for helping you get more done in the day with less time (page 67)...
  • ​How to stay perfectly fit and active with just 12-24 minutes of your time each day (I’ll actually give you a simple exercise routine to follow too - page 92)…
  • What “food” really is, and how to find satisfying meals that nourish both your body and mind (page 78)... 
  • Fun Fact: Your hormones are likely causing that constant feeling of heaviness - here are 7 ways to balance them out naturally (pages 107 - 109)...
  • ​Calm in any circumstance: An approach to stress management to help you remain calm and collected in the face of any challenge and even danger (pages 113-115)...
  • ​The #1 thing most men skip that leaves them with sapped energy levels (Nope - it’s not a “hearty breakfast”…page 20)
  • ​The key “ingredients” your body and mind need to perform at their best (and I don’t mean food here - page 50)...
  • ​Retraining your brain about what “working out” really is, so that you can start seeing it as fun and enjoyable movement (page 23)...

Over 1,000+ High-Performing Men Have Used this Method to Get Back Their Energy, Motivation, and Health…

“More Productive Than Ever…and My Clothes Actually Fit Again!”
Andy M.
CEO, Age 42
“I don’t wake up tired anymore.”
Chris Y. 
Sales Director, Age 43
“From the Point of No Return to Turning My Entire Life Around”
Wayne P.
Restaurant Owner, Age 40
“From Tired All the Time to Taking Off 20lbs in 9 Weeks While Skyrocketing Productivity…”
Rashid S. 
Physician, Age 50 
“Dropped 34 lbs and Energy Levels Doubled…”
Brandon H.
Business Executive, Age 42
“Frustrated and Tired to Losing 30lbs and Energized All Day Long…” 
Rodney M
Business Owner, Age 44
“20 lbs Lost and All Day Energy…”
Chris A. 
Small Business Owner, Age 51
“I Was Tired of ‘Off Days’ Being Normal” 
Will S. 
Civil Engineer, Age 48

Are You Ready to Regain Your Edge?

Get Your Copy of Regain Your Edge Today for 

Just $4.99

And All of these Bonuses are Included FOR FREE

BONUS #1: Professionally Narrated Audiobook

Prefer listening to your books?

If you order the book on this page, I’ll also send along a professionally narrated version of the book that you’ll be able to listen to on any device.

You may not have a ton of time to sit down and read a whole book at once, so I’m hoping this little bonus makes it easier for you to get through it on the go.

$12.99 Value - Yours FREE When You Get the Book Today

BONUS #2: The Winner’s Lifestyle - How High Performers Achieve What They Want in Health, Wealth, and Life

The thoughts you have in your mind turn into the actions you execute. And if your brain is constantly sending negative messages to your body, you’ll find it harder and harder to maintain any level of high performance over the long term.

That’s why, with this bonus, I want to help you rewire your mindset so that you can continue performing at a high level week in, week out, without slowly depleting yourself or suddenly burning out.

Full disclosure: I thought this “mindset stuff” was complete and utter B.S. when I first heard about it. But after implementing it for both myself and 100s of my clients, I’ve seen just how much of an impact it can have on not just simply getting results, but sustaining those results for the long term.

$29.99 Value - Yours FREE When You Get the Book Today

BONUS #3: Get Your Head In The Game - Clear Out The Mental Clutter and Amplify Your Productivity

As a high performer, it can be difficult to find a balance between health, family, work, and all the other responsibilities packed into your tight schedule.

That’s why I’d like to show you my simple Sunday Strategy to help you prioritize your week in a way that serves both yourself as well as your goals, allowing you to remain productive without burning out.

I’ll show you how to beat “To-Do List Overwhelm,” and even how to set boundaries with team members, family, and friends to handle everything competing for your attention all at once.

$29.99 Value - Yours FREE When You Get the Book Today

Here’s Everything You Get With 
Regain Your Edge Today:

  • Your Digital Copy of Regain Your Edge: A Revolutionary New Health Approach For The High-Performing Man  
  • NO-COST ​Bonus #1: Regain Your Edge Audiobook ($12.99 Value!)
  • NO-COST ​Bonus #2: “The Winner’s Lifestyle - How High Performers Achieve What They Want in Health, Wealth, And Life” Mini-Course ($29.99 Value!)
  • NO-COST Bonus #3: “Get Your Head In The Game - Clear Out The Mental Clutter and Amplify Your Productivity” Workshop ($49.99 Value!) 

Click “Yes!” Below and Get Regain Your Edge and 

All the Bonuses for Just $4.99!

365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Regain Your Edge will show you how to take back control of your health, enjoy more energy, and increase your motivation in just minutes per day.  

Inside you’ll get a step-by-step plan to eat right, exercise for just minutes per day, and skyrocket your energy levels. 

I’ll also show you how to stay on track for the long term and avoid falling back into the “health debt” trap that can leave you tired and unmotivated. 

And I guarantee that you’ll be able to Regain Your Edge and have more drive and motivation than ever.

If that’s not the case, or if you’re not satisfied for any reason…

…just let me know with a quick email to and I’ll send you a prompt refund for the book. 

This is a 365-day money-back guarantee. 

 About the Author

  Husband. Family Man.       
  Food Lover. 
  High Performance Fanatic.

After many years of poor health choices started taking their toll on him, Logan    Henry decided to make a massive change and put an end to his low energy,  mood, and confidence for good.

Once he saw that “high performance” and “a healthy body and mind” could      actually go hand in hand, Logan set out to build an unbeatable program to          help high-performing men get fit without sacrificing their whole schedule back  in 2012.

Since then, he’s been on a mission to accomplish something extraordinary in  helping others find their strength. A natural old soul, Logan’s focus is directed  primarily on coaching successful businessmen and high performers in their 40s and 50s.

 Logan currently lives in Charleston, South Carolina, with his gorgeous wife.
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