If you’re like most of the guys I work with,
you haven’t had time for yourself in years.
Between work, your family, community responsibilities, there’s not much time or energy left for anything else!
Eventually, what I call “Health Debt” sets in.
Workouts went by the wayside some time ago. You probably didn’t even have the time to miss them at first, right?
Eating right? Who has time for that!
A while back, you started to get winded chasing your kids around the yard, but by now it’s hard work when you have to take the stairs…
One day you went to the doctor, came back with blood pressure medication, and wrote it off as “work stress...”
One morning you woke up to the way your clothes fit today and accepted “getting older…”
Then, productivity plummeted, tasks that used to take ten minutes now take an hour…
The longer it goes on and you do nothing, the deeper into “health debt” you become, the less motivation you feel, the more of your edge you lose.
At some point, feeling tired and drained all the time becomes normal. It’s easy to forget what it felt like to have any sort of energy or motivation to take on new challenges.